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Apr 26, 2019

Dave and Jerry acknowledge the opening of Tilton Square Theatre, and assume that the overflow opening day crowds were due to them talking about the theatre a couple of weeks ago on the podcast. Spring is in the air (that must be that smell) and so is the pollen. Dave and Jerry discuss local spring festivals,...

Apr 19, 2019

Dave and Jerry discuss the "Florida Man" phenomena and offer up some "NJ Man" stories to prove that Florida does not have the lock on crazy people. Jerry shares a tender bed time story about a rooster and Dave imitates peacock mating calls that will get PETA up and crowing. Listeners contribute their "best jobs ever"...

Apr 13, 2019

A jam packed episode as Dave and Jerry discuss why Wawa free coffee day should be a national holiday. And, both boys are shook by the pictures and videos of The Waterfront (Baia) in Somer's Point being torn down. Many a cool refreshing drink was shared right there. With the Tilton Square Theatre about to open, listeners...

Apr 5, 2019

Everybody is talking about the soon to be reopened Tilton Square Theatre with IMAX. Dave and Jerry have the inside scope, having toured the building last week, and they say it will be spectacular. Dave wants to stick his tongue under the popcorn butter dispenser, a little faux pas that got him kicked out of the Towne...