Sep 28, 2019
"Lucy, I'm home!" Episode Sixty Eight starts with Dave and Jerry saying thanks to longtime listener George for his generous gift of Pickled Eggs, Guinness and scratch off lottery tickets. Dave and Jerry were both losers (what else is new). A discussion ensued with listeners over what age is appropriate for children to...
Sep 13, 2019
Episode Sixty Seven finds the boys visibly aroused over the new "It's Called Pork Roll with Dave and Jerry" merchandise. Tee shirts and mugs designed to make you the envy of all your friends. For once in your miserable life be the center of attention, this time in a good way and not in a way that will make people call...
Sep 6, 2019
All good things must come to an end. I guess that explains why this podcast keeps on going! Dave and Jerry say goodbye to summer, and Dave fills us in on his post Labor Day trip to do summer things before they close down for the season. We asked this very question to our podcast listeners, and a lot of them said...